Saturday 4 March 2023

Wedding at the Lighthouse Restaurant, Cleveland


With five teens/young adults between them, Emma and Craig's emphasis for their wedding day (and in fact their entire relationship) was family.

When they first met, Craig and Emma noticed that they shared common values and priorities, and were both committed to providing a healthy and happy lifestyle for their children. These ideals were continued on to their wedding plans, as they found colour coordinated outfits for their children, and asked them to stand by their side as they made their vows to each other.

Unfortunately, the wet weather on their wedding day resulted in the Plan B ceremony location, and luckily, the Lighthouse Restaurant at Cleveland has a wet weather space. Emma and Craig were able to hold their ceremony under the gazebo which adjoins the dining space, overlooking the bay at Cleveland.

As a further idea to include their children in the ceremony, Emma and Craig purchased a vase and vials of different coloured sand. In turn, each family member added a coloured sand to the vase, which will be a colourful momento of the wedding day.

Photos by Victoria Purdie