Monday 27 May 2024

Garden wedding at Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha

 A and B's vision for their wedding was for a quiet, intimate and low key morning event.

They contacted the team at Elope Brisbane to coordinate the day for them.
The couple chose jewel colours - rich, darker tones, for their wedding colours, with B wearing a green linen shirt, and A sewing her own purple wedding dress.
They arrived together at the Botanic Gardens, and walked hand in hand into their wedding ceremony together, to a song from the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack.
They invited just four guests to share the day with them, who each played a special role in the ceremony, being witnesses to the marriage, and bringing forth ribbons to lay across the couple's entwined hands.
First, I placed a plain linen ribbon across the couple's hands, representing the blank slate which is each new morning and each new challenge. Next, A's friend brought forward a rich, green velvet cord, representing the continual growth of both parties to the marriage. Thirdly, B's friend brought forward a gold filigree chain, representing ongoing joy and prosperity for the marriage.
A plans to sew the three fabrics together, embroidering a new scene on the linen ribbon each anniversary. What a creative idea!
After the ceremony, the couple drank from a Celtic Quaich - a small silver cup, representing their trust for each other.
After their sweet ceremony, the couple captured some keepsake photos around the picturesque

Venue: Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mount Coot-tha
Coordination: Elope Brisbane