Sunday 14 October 2012

Themed Weddings

Themed weddings are a lot of fun for everyone involved. This photo was from a medieval themed wedding. I'm looking forward to officiating at a Game of Thrones wedding now that I've finished reading the books. The main feature of the ceremony would be the exchanging of cloaks. The bride's father removes her maiden's cloak, in the colours of his family, and her new husband fastens the bride's cloak, in the colours of his family.

Wording for the vows and ceremonies can be found by doing a little research. In the TV series, Robb and Talisa (ie Jeyne) together state, "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers & she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days".

In Sword of Stones, Sansa said, “With this kiss I pledge my love, and take you for my lord and husband.”
Red Weddings may be somewhat less popular though...